it's been just the two of us for the last 18-20 hours. just me and little echo. the kids went to grandma and granddaddy's and heath has some business in town this week that requires some long hours and business dinners. i've gotten to know little echo on a new level. we've bonded a little deeper. it's been really neat to see her in this setting. the setting of being an only child. i have to admit, she's pretty good at it. not as good as being a little sister of 3 older siblings but she's definitely loving the extra attention, the less crazy mom, the house that she alone can destroy. yes, she is enjoying this time to the fullest. there are things about her that i've learned these last few hours. some things i knew but others are new to me. i've had a lot of time to watch her, no other real distractions. i knew that i loved her but there are things about her that i'm crazy about. just a little list of the things i love:
i love the way you smile with your mouth wide open.
i love how you catch me looking at you and you come running, full sprint to jump in my lap.
i love how, upon waking from sleep, you put your little fingers together to sign more, letting me know you want to eat.
i love your strength. emotional and physical.
i love how you shock the socks off the doctors when they try to hold you down for shots. they have no idea the strength you hold.
i love how you "wear' flip flops on your arms and walk around the house. it's your favorite.
i love how you brush your hair and smile with pride.
i love how you love your daddy just as much as we all do around here. what's not to love?
i love how you look at reese with adoration.
i love how you annoy maddox.
i love how you and zane have become such fast friends. partners in crime, one day, i have no doubt.
i love how you can maneuver you upper lip over your lower one in an attempt to catch a piece of falling food. you have lips that can move like a llama! you don't want a bite to go to waste!
i love how you still aren't sure of our kisses and hugs, they still make you cry at times, but there are a few times, that you seem to enjoy it. you'll come around.
i love that you went from crawling to running in less than two weeks.
i love that you know how to be held now. you wrap those little legs around my hips immediately upon pick up.
i love how you say "bye bye" with that raspy little voice. and you wave those tiny hands.
i love your determination.
i love that you are in our family
i love that you are one of two of my daughters, one of four of my children. i love it.
this one on one time has been so great. grocery shopping with you was actually fun and entertaining. you smiled at other customers and tried to grab their carts. you also recognized some of the packages on the shelves and would sign more. haaha. bedtime is so quiet and relatively simple. i give you a bath and brush your teeth. you get an extra long cleaning with each because i feel like i need to make up for lost time. all the times i lined you up with the others, the "assembly line" as your aunt debbie called it. yes, you've gotten a little extra of everything these last few hours. one on one time is good. and here i thought that the big kids needs some time away, some time off, some fun and adventure. and i still believe that they did. but now i see that you needed the time as well. and maybe i did too.
these days were fun, sweet echo. now let's get ready for the party coming home tomorrow! back to life in the fast lane. you and i know we both love it!
*thanks to Nicole Eliason for the photo!
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